The underwater museum, located at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea in Cancun National Park, is one of the most unusual and interesting attractions of the city. At a depth of 2 to 10 meters you can see here 400 statues of human figures. This cultural object is a kind of request to secure the vulnerable ecological system of corals. Its creator, Jason Taylor, was burning with the desire to animate the seafloor, to take attention away from the natural reef and build a man-made one so that corals could grow on it. Throughout your stay underwater you will be followed by brightly colored fish and other sea creatures that have already taken a fancy to this marvelous place called Quiet Evolution. Like an ancient civilization buried beneath the sea floor, it tells the story of peoples from the Maya to the present.

What can you expect?

  • The opportunity to see over 400 life-size human sculptures on the seabed.
  • Exploring the Marine Life of the Mexican Caribbean.

Provides a tour:

  • AquaWorld Extreme Sports Center in Cancun.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under the age of 8.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


If you love nature, you can’t miss the wonderful opportunity to visit the resort town of Acumal, located in the heart of the Riviera Maya. Here you can swim in Turtle Cove on Acumal Bay and meet sea turtles in their natural habitat. Of the 7 species of sea turtles that exist, 6 of them are native to the Caribbean coast, and Mexico is known to be a haven for the animals. All the necessary conditions are there for the turtles to reproduce their young by laying their eggs on the sandstones.
In addition to sea turtles, you can swim over the beautiful coral reef, which is home to a huge number of colorful fish, and if you’re lucky – meet a stingray or other interesting sea creatures.

What can you expect?

  • Swimming shoulder to shoulder with sea turtles in their natural environment.
  • The opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the coral reef.
  • Chance of meeting stingrays or other marine life.

Provides a tour:

  • Ocean Tours Company.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under 4 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


The beautiful Caribbean island of Contoy, north of Cancun, is known for its outstanding flora and fauna, in particular the variety of bird species that inhabit it. It is also an interesting fact that no accommodation is allowed on the island and there are no hotels, restaurants, roads or cars. All this is done to prevent the disappearance of the natural richness of the island.
Of course, Contoy is also famous for its second largest coral formation in the world, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. The reef swimming area is very close to the island – only 10 minutes. Snorkeling in this place absolutely gives an unforgettable experience and emotions, because here you can see not only the magnificent corals of unusual shapes, but also a large number of colorful tropical residents underwater kingdom – stingrays, angel fish and sea turtles.

What can you expect?

  • Sailing near the second largest reef system in the world.
  • An opportunity to see the protected natural beauty of Contoy Island.

Provides a tour:

  • Ocean Tours travel agency.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under 4 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


A truly incredible experience to swim with giant whale sharks that are up to 12 meters long! If you are vacationing on the Caribbean coast of Cancun between May and September, be sure to plan an excursion to these gentle giants. This is when many colonies of whale sharks come to the shores of Contoy and Holbos Islands during their seasonal migration. At the peak of the migration there is an opportunity to see about 40 individuals at a time. All this is due to the fact that in summer the waters of the Caribbean Sea are well-filled with plankton, and it is the main food of whale sharks, and for this reason they are completely safe for people. The sharks behave extremely friendly and calm, which allows you to see them at close range.
Being among the blue waters of the silent ocean and left alone with these wonderful creations of nature, no one will remain indifferent and get the most vivid and thrilling experience.

What can you expect?

  • A unique opportunity to see whale sharks in their natural habitat.
  • The opportunity to enjoy beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea, meeting dolphins and stingrays along the way.

Provides a tour:

  • Travel agencies Ocean Tours, Mexico Blue Dream, Contoy Adventures.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under the age of 5.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


The tranquil village of Puerto Morelos, located 15 minutes from Cancun, is a paradise for snorkelers. Because here, not far from the coast, under the sparkling azure water hides the second largest barrier reef in the world – Big Maya Reef, near which the real sea life – a variety of corals, flocks of unusual fish and green curly seaweed. The average annual temperature here reaches +26C, allowing you to enjoy the warm turquoise sea in any season. Discover a mysterious underwater world in this quiet, picturesque spot of Puerto Morelos!

What can you expect?

  • Exploring the Colorful Fish and Corals of the Great Mayan Reef.
  • Swimming in the beautiful azure waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Provides a tour:

  • Extreme Adventure Cancun travel agency, Cancun Sightseeing.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under the age of 3.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


Shel-Ha Park (or Nature Aquarium) is a delightful place in the blue lagoon of the Caribbean Sea near Cancún that is one of the most visited in Mexico. All snorkeling enthusiasts come here because the bay of the nature park is home to more than 90 varieties of fish, the most famous of which are: surgeon fish, angel fish, parrot fish, puffer fish, stingrays and many others.
The quiet bay of the nature park is perfect for exploring the marine world of the Riviera Maya. Here you can also witness the unusual phenomenon of a sudden change in temperature and salinity due to the connection of the salty water of the Caribbean Sea with the fresh water of the underground currents.

What can you expect?

  • Snorkeling in the waters of the most beautiful natural aquarium in the world.
  • Ability to explore rare fish species (more than 90 species).

Provides a tour:

  • Travel agency «Grupo Xcaret».

Not suitable for:

  • Children under 4 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


Cosumel is Mexico’s largest island, located in the western Caribbean. The first inhabitants of the island, the Mayans, who arrived here about 2,000 years ago, gave it the name «Land of the Swallows». Their ideology was that Cosumel was the home of the feminine deity Ish-Chel, who sent swallows to thank the people for the temples built in her homage.
The island of Cozumel is extremely popular among snorkeling enthusiasts, as it has a huge number of world-class dive sites. Its waters are home to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, a majestic natural landmark where you can see a variety of marine life. Of all the abundant reefs off the coast of the island, Colombia, Palancar and the incomparable Cielo are particularly popular. All of the snorkeling areas are ideal for snorkeling – they are close to land, the water is crystal clear and there is always something to see!

What can you expect?

  • The opportunity to explore the second largest coral reef in the world, rich in a variety of marine life.
  • Introduction to varieties of reefs, such as Colombia, Palankar, Cielo.

Provides a tour:

Travel agency «Wisest Travel», «TRANSLAMEX».

Not suitable for:

  • Children under 4 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.


Isla Mujeres is located in the resort area of the Yucatan Peninsula near the city of Cancun. Many tourists who plan to visit the Isla de las Mujeres, involuntarily wonder why it has such a name. The fact that on the coast of the island, majestically are statues of women, who saw the first thing that came here the Spanish conquerors. And knowing the history of the ancient Mayan civilization, it is not difficult to conclude why the stone idols are represented here in the image of women.
Isla Mujeres offers tourists a huge range of activities for all tastes and ages. The island has everything you need for excellent snorkeling. Swimming in this beautiful place brings only positive emotions associated with the very rich and diverse marine world. Do not miss the opportunity to swim in the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea, enjoying the view of beautiful coral formations, colorful fish and other fascinating sea creatures.

What can you expect?

  • Snorkeling in the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea.
  • The second largest coral reef in the world.

Provides a tour:

  • Sat Mexico Tours, Amigo Tours LATAM.

Not suitable for:

  • Children under 4 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • People with limited mobility.
  • People who can’t swim.